Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mason Jar Terrarium

Here is my first attempt at a terrarium. Let's hope it works out, but, to be real honest, I have my doubts. Instead of using "activated charcoal or carbon" underneath the soil, I just figured charcoal is charcoal and crushed up some sticks of sketching vine charcoal. I'm sure this is wrong, but we'll see. It has some moss, a few mystery succulents, and a pretty stick with some tree moss that I found on a walk around the block. It sure is pretty for now...

My walk treasures. And I found some rosemary, mmm...

Made it in a real pretty antique Atlas Mason jar.

Like a tiny ecosystem. It needs some tiny animals running around. Maybe monkeys...

1 comment:

  1. Oooohh pretty! Funny, I was looking up how to make a terrarium just the other day. Let me know how it works out.
