Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A slightly different Bacskocky Christmas

This last month, Tim and I, along with our two pups, Persie and Newton, took a long flight from Oregon to Virginia to celebrate the holidays with our family and friends. We stayed with my sister in Richmond. Newton met her dog, Glory Bee, and they hit it off instantly. Newton lost many of his baby teeth in the first night, as Glory is a much larger dog and plays very, very hard. We tried to visit with everyone, but alas, eight days was not enough time. Sorry if we missed you this time around. Here are a few photos from the week, as well as some photos from home and of some of the things me and Tim made for Christmas.  

Making holiday cards.

And block prints and block prints.

Pretty pine cone napkins for my sister.

What a weird santa man.

Oh boy, he is funny looking :-)

Drew & Newton

Angie decorating our tree...

Christmas morning, listening to all kinds of Christmas music except Bing Crosby's Christmas.
Damn you 78's.

Lots of presents.

Centerpiece magic.

Our new crazy stockings. We have a big family now.

My babies, just like I likes 'em: weird and sleepy.

Christmas morning appetizers. 

The babe's Christmas photos.

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