Monday, July 25, 2011

Cross Country Day 1: In the morning

On our first day we woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Wait, there was no bed.

We were a couple of hours behind schedule when we finally got going. It was drizzling, which meant we had to use the tarp. We had already loaded up our car with our last few possessions the night before, so all we had to do was sweep, put on the root top cargo thing, and pack up the animals. It's a good thing our friend Steve showed up, otherwise I don't know how we would have gotten the 150+ pound cargo carrier onto the roof. We dropped off our keys and, just like that, we were on the road.

Oh wait, but first we had to swing by Comcast to drop off our modem. Luckily for us, it was the first time ever that we didn't have to wait in an hour long line. Stupid Comcast. And then it was off to Can Can for coffee and cakes for the road. My sister Angie and our friends Steve, Matt, and Joe saw us off there. Glory Bee came too. In my last moments with Glory, she bit me. Real nice. I guess it was her way of saying, "Hey just so you don't forget about me, I'm gonna take a wee piece of your knuckle for safe keeping until you get back."

And then we were really off.

Our make-shift bed. Persie likes it.
I never want parquet floors again...

Definitely pushing the maximum weight limit.

Love me some Glory Bee.

Persie always wanted to be a jockey.

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