Monday, July 25, 2011

What's this? A blog you say?

Hey, I said I'd start a blog and I actually did. Now let's see of I can keep up with it.

I'll post things about our awesome road trip we took last month to get here. I'll tell you about road trips we are planning on taking. I'll share things about our house and what's going on with us recently. I'll show you all of the projects that I've been doing. Maybe I'll even update you on Tim, Julian, Persie, and Iggy, if I can remember to do all of that.

And you gotta know that there will be many pictures. Probably too many. 
Well, let's see how this works out. Good luck everyone!


And here is a picture just for funsies of the day we started our road trip across the country.                       
Persie saying goodbye to Glory by taking her for a ride around Carytown

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