Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy Happy New Things!

So many great new things are happening this week! First my marigolds have started to sprout from the seeds I saved from our wedding. Hopefully the kitties won't eat them...

We also got a pretty house plant and planter. I'm super excited because we haven't had any bigger house plants since we moved and this guy is one that I've always wanted. We also got him for a really good deal at the Home Depot. He's a croton. We named him Petey.

And finally, maybe the best new thing ever! Newton is potty trained! Or at least he's one step closer. We've been teaching him to bring us his leash when he needs to go out. And today he walks up to the couch dragging Persie's pink leash and looks me in the eyes and drops it right at my feet! Tim and I were sooo proud! We took him right out and gave him so many treats and he was so proud of himself! We are one step closer to potty training this puppy!

Marigold sprouts! These are from seeds I saved from our wedding flowers.
I am so happy that they actually grew!

Our planter that we got on super sale from Ikea for $10 and my huge croton that was on super sale at Home Depot for $8.

My proud baby boy :)

Such a weird looking thing!

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